Friday, October 26, 2012

Potty Cover Review & Giveaway!

Public Restrooms are disgusting.  So if you are like me "holding it" to avoid them is they way to go.  But when you have a toddler who is just learning to use the potty sometimes it is hard not to use the occasional store or restaurant bathroom.  Which is why the Potty Cover is a must have for all families.  I was delighted to have the chance to review such an ingenious product.
 Potty Cover is no ordinary potty cover.  The design is fun and efficient.  For comfort, the top layer is made of a soft non-woven fabric and the bottom layer is coated with a plastic lining, creating a waterproof barrier between the toilet and your child. Another advantage to owning these covers is that they stay in place when you get on and off the toilet! 

My 2 yr old absolutely loves the colorful polka-dot design.  She is so excited to use them when we are out.  And me not having to worry about her little hands touching germy toilet seats, our weekly trips to the Zoo are a lot less stressful.  Seriously, they COVER the ENTIRE toilet seat and then some!  So yay, no more squatting, hovering or holding your kids above seat. 

Each cover is individually wrapped making them perfect for on the go.  They are packaged small enough to fit nicely inside a pocket or a purse.  They are easy to use and can be used by ANYONE; not just kids. These covers are so protective that they CANNOT be flushed.  Just lift them off and throw them in the garbage can. Unless you accidentally flush one at the movies and clog the toilet, oops...not that this has happened to me...ok moving on...

To learn more you can visit the Potty Cover webpage, Facebook Page, or follow them via Twitter.

Buy It
You can purchase a package of 6 on Amazon, Ebay, Buy Buy Baby, or Bed Bath and Beyond. The usually run about $5.99.  Right now you can even get free shipping when you purchase 10 or more through Amazon by using the code SHP8FREE.

Win It
Our wonderful sponsors at Potty Cover have offered to give a pack of 6 covers to one lucky reader.  And as an added bonus, I purchased a pack to giveaway as well.  Thats right 2 winners!  Enter below...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer:  I was given the above mentioned product for review purposes.  All opinion are 100% my own.


  1. great idea!!! now why didn't i think of that?

  2. twitted this today, 02/11

  3. not sure if i tagged your name correctly but I posted a comment

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net


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