Saturday, May 16, 2020

Masks: The New Normal +++Custom Face Mask Giveaway

Amid this horrific pandemic, we as a country have had to make drastic changes to our normal everyday life.  Staying home, keeping 6 feet from others, grocery stores with one way aisles, and the dreaded mask.  Masks, if worn properly, not only help keep your germs to yourself but others from entering your body.  In many states, masks are no longer just a suggestion and are required when out in public.   

Amid this horrific pandemic, we as a country have had to make drastic changes to our normal everyday life.  Staying home, keeping 6 feet from others, grocery stores with one way aisles, and the dreaded mask.  Masks, if worn properly, not only help keep your germs to yourself but others from entering your body.  In many states, masks are no longer just a suggestion and are required when out in public.   

Where should I purchase a mask?

I was recently introduced to a local company called MaskMarket that enables you to make custom masks. With their user friendly website, creating a mask is fun and painless.  Just upload and place your photo.  You can even change the background color or add text.  Not in the mood to design a mask, they have some neat (and some hilarious) ready-to-ship designs to choose from.

Each featuring dual-layer protection, their standard mask is made from lightweight cotton or a cotton poly blend and features straps that provide a secure fit for all face types.  And of course all of their masks are washable.   I love that these masks are stretchy, breathable, and manufactured right here in metro Detroit. 

All MaskMarket masks come with a 5 layer PM 2.5 filter.  The filters are made from synthetic material and have a MERV rating of 12. Having a filter in your mask can give you extra protection, as filters help to reduce the introduction of contaminants into the human respiratory system, which includes smoke, lint, household dust, pollen, cough and sneeze debris, and bacteria and viruses.  For the best results, filters should be replaced after 50-70 hours of use.

What makes so unique during this time is for every mask purchased one will be donated to an essential worker in need. 

Have some design ideas for a mask? Thanks to our sponsors at one lucky Party of Four reader will have the opportunity to design a mask. Just enter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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