Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Playroom Remodel- Enhance your walls with Peel & Stick Wall Decals from DecalVenue!

I have been wanting to update the girls playroom since last year, but with the new baby it was pushed to the back burner. Lately Miss M has been bringing her toys into the family room and refusing to play in the playroom.  Last week I was passing the playroom and saw my daughter reluctantly playing on the floor.  As I watched her I understood why she hated playing in her playroom;  the toys had taken over and she had no room to play.  The older they get the more stuff they accrue is so accurate.  I also realized that the Curious George themed room might be a little juvenile for a 5 year old with the maturity of a 10 year old.  So we decided that now is the time for a change.  I felt it important that she be 100% involved in this remodel.  Every decision had to be hers.  I let her choose everything from the paint to the color of the new storage bins.  I cringed when she said she wanted a safari color scheme because I have never been a fan of animal prints.  I just kept reminding myself that it was not my play room and if its her design she will want to play in it.

After reducing the clutter (allowing her pull out toys that can be donated) and prepping the room, the fun began.  I think that the most fun was going to the hardware store and looking through paint samples with her.  Once the room was painted (which she helped with) she wanted to add a little something special to the walls.  So after some searching and reading reviews, I found an awesome decal company called Decal Venue.  
While I wanted her to choose Polka-Dots she was still set on animal prints.  Luckily, Decal Venue has a great selection and Miss M found the perfect addition to her playroom.  She chose the Leopard Print Hearts from their Premium Color Decals section.  What a great choice?!  Not only did Miss M hand pick them but I also let her choose the placement of each one.  These wall stickers are the cutest!  Although she decided not to add an outline, you do have the option to pick 2 colors that border the hearts.  These are the best wall stickers I have ever received!  They have a thick "rubbery" texture so they are not easily torn when re-positioning and they stick without bubbling or peeling.  M totally and completely LOVES her new room.  And she wouldn't feel the same without the added touch of her wall decals.  

Why we chose DecalVenue
Beautiful Vibrant Colors
Easy to Use
Peel & Stick
High Quality
Made in the USA
Perfect Contour Cut

Here is a breakdown of set sizes:
Set of 10 includes (8) 2" decals and (2) 4" decals.
Set of 25 includes (20) 2" decals and (5) 4" decals.
Set of 50 includes (40) 2" decals and (10) 4" decals.
Set of 100 includes (80) 2" decals and (20) 4" decals.

Now that the "play" part of her room is organized our next project is the reading nook!  We will definitely be purchasing some more decals for that project!

Want to spruce up the walls of your child's room?  Visit DecalVenue and then enjoy the new look!
To find exclusive coupons and special discounts feel free to visit them via Facebook.

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