Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Get a Good Nights Sleep with Elastic Memory Foam Mattress Topper

A good nights sleep is important.  And to get a good nights sleep you need a good mattress.  Some times even the newest of mattress can leave you feeling stiff and achy in the morning.  Which is why we decided to get mattress toppers for all of our beds.  Some of you already know we have been trying to transition Little Miss M to sleep in her own bed so we felt this the perfect opportunity to make her bed more comfy and extra special. 
We found the Twin Density Visco Elastic Memory Foam Mattress Pad Bed Topper on Amazon and decided to give it a try.   This twin size topper is 3 inches of extra supportive 4 lb memory foam.  It arrived with no tears and unfolded with ease.  After only a few hours it fluffed up to the full 3 inches but I decided to follow the instructions and wait the 96 hours suggested by Memory Foam Solutions.  The 'chemical' smell has yet to dissipate but that could take a few weeks. 

Little Miss M loves her 'new' bed and has been sleeping in it ever since without a fight.   She no longer complains about it not being comfortable and sleeps through the night. I like that this topper conforms to your body perfectly providing more comfort and helping you achieve the bests nights sleep.  Noticing a huge difference in her attitude during our morning routine just confirms that we made the right decision. 
 Mattress toppers make for the perfect addition to any dorm room, sofa bed, or camping trip.   Although we have a spare bed, if we just so happen to have more than one guest we can turn the topper into an extra bed by laying it on the floor and covering it with sheets.  I am also looking forward to letting my daughter and nephew 'camp' out in the living room during his next sleep over.

I am very happy with the Density Visco Elastic Memory Foam Mattress PadBed Topper and I can definitely see a difference in my toddler and can tell that my baby is sleeping well.  I sleep better knowing that my baby is sleeping better.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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