Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Baby Proofing with the COVERPLUG (+GIVEAWAY)

Keeping a child safe is always a parents top priority.  So when you are expecting, baby proofing is a must.  Now, it may seem odd to baby proof your home when your baby can't even roll over yet, but you may be surprised at how soon they will be getting around.  It's never too soon to start. I must admit baby proofing can often times be a daunting task.  And with our second baby on the way, we need to start thing about it AGAIN…

Although we proof everything under the sun the main worry we have in our home are exposed electrical outlets.  When Little Miss M was smaller, we used those cheap little plastic pieces that you press into the outlet (as shown in the photo below).  Little did we know/realize at the time but those can be easily removed by a child and then potentially become a choking hazard.   Thank goodness she was never interested in playing with outlets or the plastic pieces meant to cover them up.  After trying a many other products, I discovered that I’m not a huge fan of the ones that take 6 different types of screwdrivers and 2 sore fingers to remove.  So I am happy to have found the COVERPLUG

To install the COVERPLUG you remove your face-plate and stick the 2 prongs into the ground openings of the outlet, and viola, outlet covered!  Although a few have stated that the COVERPLUG fits perfectly over the entire face-plate that does not apply at our house.  While I was a tad hesitant removing the face-plate, the cover plug does fit securely.  Using 2 hands to pry and a little force it is easy enough to be removed by an adult but secure enough that a child cannot pull it out.

But that’s not all…

Not only does the COVERPLUG prevent your baby from electric shock but with its specially designed plastic it is completely paintable so you can paint it to blend in with your wall.  Making it out of sight out of mind.  So even if you do not have any babies in the home here is your chance to cover those unsightly unused outlets.

Are you expecting or do you know anyone with small children? Want to cover up those unsightly used outlets? 
Here is your chance to win and try the COVERPLUG for yourself!!

Just use the Giveaway form below.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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