Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A "Little" Change Here At Party of Three!!

You'll soon notice a slight name change for Party of Three, but Room for More as we are happily expecting Baby #2! 
My content will mostly stay the same with the addition of some pregnancy posts and natural parenting posts!


  1. How exciting! The best time of my life was when I was pregnant - I wish you all the joy I felt!!!

  2. Congrats!! Wishing you a super healthy pregnancy!

    1. Thank you. We are planning a home birth, so I hope so too. :)

    2. A home birth? How I wish I had opted for that! I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience, and what a great way to welcome the new baby! ((((HUGS))))

    3. Thank you Sandy. I am super excited. I wanted a home birth with M but hubby was a little on the fence. After him seeing everything the first time around he is ready.

  3. Congratulations! All the best :)

  4. That is awesome! I guess you really did have room for more! My best to you and your growing family!

  5. Congratulation Kelly.... I so excited for you and your family. God Bless.


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