Sunday, March 2, 2014

Little Passports : Mardi Gras Arts & Crafts Fun with Your Kids

Mardi Gras is here and people all over the USA (not just in Louisiana) are celebrating with parades and parties. The celebrations don't stop until Tuesday, March 4th, so there is plenty of time for you to join in the fun! To get you in the spirit, Sam and Sofia have sent you a Mardi Gras Float to build. (Click on the link to get this wonderful arts and crafts printout!) Maybe you could even gather a few friends and have a Little Passports parade of your own! 

**The links in this post are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link.
Little Passports enables you to teach your child about the hundreds of different cultures around our world and around the USA. Each month, a package addressed to your kids (which they LOVE) arrives full of little goodies like stickers for their own passport, activity sheets that teach them about major landmarks around the world and gets their brain going with fun word scrambles. Little Passports even shares fun recipes that you can cook up with your kids to turn them into little chefs who know all about foods from different cultures. Subscriptions start at just $10.95/month which is another bonus! This is also the perfect resource for anyone who homeschools out there. Let me know what you think after you get set up with your own Little Passports subscription.

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