Monday, February 3, 2014

Free Blogger Opp!! Mega Gift Card Giveaway Event!!

Sponsored by: Allergy Buyers Club

White Mountain Textile Bedding Gift Cards
First Prize-$250
Third Prize-$100

This is a World Wide event; everyone is welcome to enter!!

  1. Each blogger MUST have at least 1000 Facebook fans to participate.
  2. Put this announcement post on your Blog inviting others to join this event (HTML HERE). 
  3. HTML for the event will be sent 1-2 days before the Giveaway starts on 3/1
  4. To participate you MUST promote 3x a week for the duration of the event or your links will be removed.

  • 1 Link free (Twitter/Pinterest/Bloglovin/)
  • Additional links $2 ea (Twitter/Pinterest/Bloglovin/Facebook/Subscribe)
  • Comment Links $5 (May choose 1 post or a comment on anything option-1 per Blog please)
  • Co-host $10 (includes 5 additional social media links that will appear near the top of the Giveaway Tools form and back-link on all participating blogs-mention in HTML)
To sign up: Go HERE!


Don't worry if your comment doesn't show up right away. Due to the overabundance of spam, all comments need to go through a review process.