Sunday, September 9, 2012

Free childrens book every month for 5 years!

Dolly Parton has a heart of gold.  In the year 2000 she founded a program called Imagination Library.  Her vision was to encourage a love of reading among preschool children and their families by providing them with a specially selected book each month.  This program is currently offered in the US, Canada, and the UK.

Here is how it works:

"A community must make the program accessible to all preschool children in their area. The community pays for the books and mailing, promotes the program, registers the children, and enters the information into the database. 

From there The Dollywood Foundation takes over and manages the system to deliver the books to the home."  -excerpt from her website

The books are selected based on the age of the child – each kid receives 1 free book each month until the age of 5.  They even offer audio and braille books!

Registering your child online is so simple.  To see if your community participates, you can check out the affiliates link after first selecting you country.  

If you would prefer not to register your child online, simply search the "affiliates" section of the site for the regional contact information for representatives in your area.

Today M received her very first book from this program!  I don't want to ruin the surprise so I'm going to keep the title a secret!  So stop by and register you child today! 


  1. This is such an amazing program! My daughter is also signed up for it and just recieved her first book! :)

  2. I LOVE this program! We've been getting books for years. My oldest daughter turns 5 next month, so I'm sad that she'll no longer be getting her books in the mail, but we treasure all of the books that we've received so far! Some of our all-time favorites have come through this program!


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